So being the nice wife I am I went along with James to do scout out a forest for his deer hunting... I kept my mouth shut the entire time but I absolutely hated it. Besides all the mud, blood, and tics I dealt with I have a hideous rash every where... and this is 2 weeks later. Turns out Poison Oak! So now I've got swollen ears, lips, and stuff all over my hands, mouth, and legs. GRRR never again!!
After going to the Doctor for this I went for my 3 mile tempo run, not good. I barely made it a mile and half before my knee stiffened up and refused to work. So I hobbled on over and finally made my Physical Therapy appointment. We'll see what happens!!!
Besides all that bad stuff I've got lots of better things to talk about!! CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT SUNDAY!! VA BEACH ROCK N ROLL HALF MARATHON!! I've been waiting for ever for this! I will have tons of pictures to share. This past Sundays long run was only 7 miles, so I decided to up it to 8 miles... then I looked at my phone towards the end of my run and it said 8.79, so it turned into a 9 mile run! I felt so good I could've kept going for a while.
I can't stop eating my Oatmeal cookies I posted the other week. Now I'll eat them by reheating them and putting a thin layer of peanut butter on top... NOMNOM! I also used craisins in the last batch I made which were pretty good.
Bleh had another bad run day. I planned on doing 6 miles but my knee hurt so bad again and my arch felt like it was ripping!! I had to stop and walk a few times before just quitting or hurting myself worse before Sunday. I ended up stopping at 5.35 miles and I'm taking the rest of the week off :( MAKES ME SAD! I'll do an hours of cross training Friday and tons of stretching and foam rolling till Sunday. I did make my running playlist for Sunday so that got me all pumped up again!
New Running Fuel
*I tried out my new GU Chomps and they were delicious, but took too much time to chew during my run so I think I'll stick to normal gels.
*I also tried out the Vanilla Honey Stingers. AMAZING also. They're like chewy wafer cookies.
Even though I know you don't need to carbo load for a half marathon, I'm still debating on what I'll be munching the day before. Last Saturday I was bad and had a few pieces of pizza and then ran 2 extra miles the next day... So I might possibly whip up a home made healthier pizza.
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