I tried lots of new recipes, bought some new race fuels, and had some greats runs!!
First I'll start with my WARNING!!! The banana raisin oatmeal cookies might make you take a few trips to the bathroom if ya eat a few, just letting you know!
*1/3 C of plain fat free greek yogurt
*1/2 C Frozen blueberries
*bunches of spinach
*Whole mango
*few drops of vanilla extract
Then blend it all together! I didn't follow these exact measurements... sorta just dumped them into my blender.
I found this super simple recipe on pinterest all ya need is
*Box of Brownie mix
*12 oz Diet Coke

Another recipe I made was for a Single Serving Chobani Muffin, again I got this from one of my favorite bloggers, Rabbit Food for my Bunny Teeth. All you need it:

*3 Tbsp whole wheat flour
*1 Tbsp liquid egg whites
*1 Tbsp chia seeds
*1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
*1/4 tsp or 1 packet of stevia
*1/4 tsp baking powder
*I also added a dark chocolate kiss in the middle
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Combine all ingredients and stir until well mixed. Pour the batter into a cupcake liner in a muffin tin. Bake for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool for 5-10 minutes. Enjoy warm out of the oven.

James and I also tried out this pretty cool burrito bar in Portsmith. You basically customize your burrito, taco, or quesadilla any way you want and mark it off on the menu. For my burrito I chose a healthy combo of a whole wheat tortilla, black beans, corn, brown rice, lettuce, tomato, and guacamole. I also had an amazing hard cider called Angry Orchard, tasted like apple juice... then I looked up how many calories it had and there were 190 -_- whoops. Always check your alcohol calories ahead of time!!!

Okay so another thing I did this week... CHOP MY HAIR OFF!!! I love my long hair so I was just planning on trimming like 4 inches off but decided, Hey! My hair will grow no matter what and there's some people out there that need it a whole lot more than me! So I cut off a foot to donate to Locks of Love. I wish I would've done this at the beginning of summer though, my hair would be every where and stuck to me when I'd run. So if you're looking for a change and have some extra hair you should definitely consider it!

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